Love this! I have a huge magnolia that my grandmother planted 70+ years ago that grounds me. Thanks for sharing!

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Hi Becki, It's so great to get your comment. WOW! Magnolia trees are gorgeous and one that your grandmother planted 70+ years ago is mighty! How incredible. What color are the flowers?

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White & they’re as big as saucers & smell like heaven.

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I can picture them now. Thank you Becki. I recall in July visiting a friend in VA and saw a gorgeous one with huge pink flowers.

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Such beautiful words, as always, Julie. Thank you so much for this lovely autumn reading moment. 🍂

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You're so kind Rebecca. Thank you for reading. :) And Happy Autumn.

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I really liked this. The leaves are quickly turning here and there is a tree on the corner that shifts from golden to ruby in waves and the sun always manages to hit in its crown. My daughter and I get to see it every weekday morning as we walk to the car on the way to school. Love it.

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Hi Tiffany, The tree on the corner sounds gorgeous! Golden to ruby in waves...love the imagine this brings. Thank you for joining the conversation. I hope you and your daughter have a fantastic day. Take good care.

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I like this so much. Trees are so strong and usually secure in the ground. So proud of their off spring, leaves, either attached to them or the ones dropping away.

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Thank you mom. Yes trees are so mighty and adaptable to each season.

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I so enjoy your poems! They give me a boost that I frequently need each day. Thank you, Julie! Love you!!

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I'm so happy Faith they are giving you a boost. :) Thank you for being here to read them each day. Love you.

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Love is like a male tree

When wintery troubles come

And bite the limbs

And kill the leaves

And hide the warming sun

And everything looks

Black and







Till Springtime

Warms the sun to

Nourish new leaves soon unfurled.

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Beautiful Claudette. Thank you so much for sharing with us.

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Thanks Julia for the beautiful poem and photo. What anchors me is the Sun suffused plant life. It doesn’t take much to understand Moses attraction to the “burning” bush. He may have heard God’s voice calling him to act. But focused attention on Nature and you can “see” God’s voice all around us. Will we act to save HIS creation? I believe we will....

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You're welcome Clark and thank you for being a faithful reader. You're comments are powerful and thought provoking...which I appreciate. Thank you for engaging here with us.

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That’s what scientists call it

My name: miracle

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"My name: Miracle" I love this Clark. Indeed

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