This is so amazing, how cool! A true miracle that hopefully you will get to see.

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It truly is. You can now see the orange wings inside outlined with black. It's amazing. I'm hoping I will get it on video tomorrow.

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I know so little...

What do you have to teach me?

“Change comes from within”❗️

Love your poem Jules. You see with child-like wonder and write with deep wisdom. (The two must be related). It’s a joy to wake up to your poems each morning as you ask all the right questions. Yes, you have much to teach me...

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And I just love receiving your poems in return. Thank you so much Clark. Let's learn from each other.

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'I'm patient as a stone'. How lovely, Julie - you might be being patient, but I just can't wait for the next chapter of the chrysalis story! 🤣🐛🦋♥️

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It's day 13 and I can now see the orange/black wings through the chrysalis!! I hope I don't miss it...thinking maybe tomorrow. :) I sat in front of it today for 2 hours writing in my notebook. HA! I do hope I can get a video to share with you all. Thank you so much Rebecca.

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Oh wow, that's so exciting!!!

My parents had fun this summer by their pond watching dragonflies emerge. The larvae crawl up the stems of marginal plants, and remain in that exact shape while they turn into dragonflies, eventually emerging from the empty husks, the earlier versions of themselves remaining exactly as they were, legs and all, but empty. I remember watching a David Attenborough nature programme about them when I was a child - he said if a dragonfly nymph were the size of a small dog it would be the most dangerous animal on earth! I've never forgotten that.

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Yes! How exciting!

I showed my kiddos the video!

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Oh awesome! What did they think? I hope I have another one to share soon. Tomorrow is day 14!

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I look forward to that….

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me too! :) Enjoy this beautiful day. Sunshine is here so maybe the butterfly will enter the world. I'm keeping my eye out.

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Love that

Patient as a stone

You are standing on the Rock!

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Love this Claudette! Yes...so grateful my foundation is a rock. Enjoy this sunshine day...maybe today the butterfly will enter the world. It's day 13. :)

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Beautiful. Substack is teaching me to slow down and to enjoy poetry. I really enjoyed reading this aloud, savouring it. Thanks so much. (She’s teaching patience. An important lesson.)

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Thank you so much Beth for being here. I love this message. Yes patience and to be still.

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Having patience and trusting the process to see something magical is truly an art✨

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They loved it, as did I and my assistant teacher!

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