I’m sorry I missed the group this morning! I’ll see you next Friday!

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No worries Amie. We missed you too but hope to see you next Friday. :) Have a wonderful weekend. Are you headed to the trails?

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So beautiful, Julie! See you shortly - I'm about to put the kettle on (even though we're in that unicorn of a British heatwave right now...)! 🤣

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yay!! Happy to hear and no matter the weather the kettle is on! I love this. :) LOL

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Thanks of having me along at another great Write Along! 😊 Enjoy your weekend!

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Thank you for coming Rebecca! It's always so great to see you. Have a wonderful weekend. :)

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This reminds me of a Sunday school song I used to sing years ago. It went something like this with several verses: be careful little eyes what you see, ears/ hear, mouth/ say, for the Lord up above is looking down in love. He wants us to guard our heart too.❤️

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I love this mom. Thank you for sharing and we would love for you to teach us that song. :) Brindsley and Delaney would love it.

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Oh, thanks for sharing the prompt, Julie. Grateful. Love your poem, and especially the phrase “guard my heart.” I am hoping to join you today.

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It's a powerful prompt Julie and I really appreciated you sharing it this week. Thank you so much and hope to see you soon.

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“One sees clearly only with the heart” speaks volumes. Thank you for your poetic reminder Julia.

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Thank you Clark. I hope you have a wonderful Friday.

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Jun 16, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Have a happy Friday!!

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Thank you Claudette. Have a fantastic day!

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What a powerful prompt. And what a truly generous offer. 💓

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I agree, the writing prompt got my pen moving. :) Thank you Aransas for being here.

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