Jun 11Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Hope needs company

Just like solo runs are tough

Your "crew" is ready...

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Clark, your haiku is spot on. Thank you so much for the encouragement and yes "we" are ready!

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Jun 11Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Glad to hear "we" are ready. Anything I can do, please feel free to ask‼️

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Thank you so much, Clark. That means a lot.

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Whatever there isn't, there is always hope. xxx

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Indeed! :)

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Jun 11Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Good morning Julie! Here’s to a day with Hope galore, and all the feathers you might need.

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Good morning Gary! Thank you so much.

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Jun 13Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Hope is free...

It requires courage...

But courage is also free

To those who dare to search...

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Beautiful Jack. Thank you so much for sharing your wise words with us. Cheers to daring together.

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Jun 12Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Hope is longing with purpose. Praying for steadfastness for what's needed when doing the next thing and placing one foot in front of the other. "Restore my soul", "Renew a right spirit within me", "Come all ye weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest." May you feel restored, renewed, rested in all the layers that need it. l.

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Good morning Mary B., What a beautiful message. Thank you so much for these blessings.

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Jun 11Liked by Julie B. Hughes

I wish I could just hand over big doses of hope to my friends. But I can pray.

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I hear you Claudette. xoxo Just seeing your face brings so much hope to your friends.

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Jun 11Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Well, that's encouraging! I am seeing one of them tonight!

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Oh what a lucky friend! :)

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Jun 11Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Haha thank you 😊

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I hope you had a wonderful visit with your friend.

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Jun 12Liked by Julie B. Hughes

I did. She is so strong!

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