Love this. So true! 5:15 - good for you!!

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Thank you Linda! Yes, I love the early morning routine. I'm such a better human...HA! :) How are your runs going?

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Deep thoughts this morning. Thanks for this visual and reminder!

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Indeed Holly! Questions I'm pondering, maybe to use for a writing prompt one Friday as well. Thank you so much for joining—so great to see your face. :) Have wonderful weekend

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'Yikes! Curious rabbit...' I belly-laughed at this bit of your poem - it sums up the story absolutely beautifully.

Yay to making unanticipated acquaintances! I'll never forget the badger I came across once on a just-past-dawn run - I'm not sure which of us was more surprised... 🤣

See you in a little while!

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HA! A badger... WOW! Thank you for sharing Rebecca, it certainly keeps things interesting. See you soon. :)

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As someone who almost ran over a duck on my run and had a skunk dart toward them as well this morning...I’m feeling todays poem haha

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Oh my goodness Andrew!! Yikes on the skunk. I'm happy I haven't not crossed a skunk yet. :) Thank you for reading.

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Well had it been a rabid Raccoon, your stopping to consider your response could have been tragic Julie. Maybe thank your brain 🧠 🙂 for prioritizing your protection 😉

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You're correct in that Claudette! Thank you. It was so great to see you last night! What did you think of Jesus Revolution? We LOVED it!

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I loved it! My second time to see it but not the last!

So cool to see Jonathan Roumie in a different movie.

Great to see you guys! Miss you all.

Is it your new church that sponsored it?

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I want to see it again as well! :) No it wasn't our church. It was my first time at the Palace Theater too. So cool! Miss you.

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Like this one!! It doesn't take much to startle me!

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Thank you Faith! Enjoy this day. xox

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HA! It sure is. Thank you for sharing KW.

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