Man in search of God

Relationships work both ways

God in search of man

I have shamelessly borrowed the title of two famous books (“Man in search of God” & “God in search of man”) by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel (brilliant teacher and prayed with his feet by “marching” with MLK).

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Good morning Clark, Thank you so much for sharing. I will also write these titles down

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I'd've loved to have joined you today - I was there in spirit. I SO appreciate you and your Friday Write Alongs even when I can't make it (which is pretty often at the moment!). Sending love across the pond. Have a fabulous weekend! 😊

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Hi Rebecca,

I'm so glad you join us when you can. :) Hope to see you again soon and the link in todays post is the updated one that I will be using for now. Just wanted to make sure you have it for when you can join us. Thank you so much and have a fantastic weekend as well.

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Thanks Julie. You are so right. Good relationships are key to a healthy, happy life. And they require all the bravery & vulnerability we can muster. And that is the “Great Paradox”. Be courageous while letting down your guard.

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"all the bravery & vulnerability we can muster." yes! Thank you, Clark.

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Wish I could join today--I have a meeting scheduled for that time slot.😞

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No worries Holly. I wish you could join to but hopefully another time. :) Have a great meeting.

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Hi Faith! Happy Friday

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