This is one of my favorite pictures as a child. I'm not worried about time, pace, or what I look like. I'm running happy and free. I'm playing. Attagirl!
When I hear my inner judge (Aunt Phoebe) taking over with her squeaky voice— I’m not fast enough, I'm not strong enough, I'm not thin enough—I look at this picture.
I remember who I truly am.
I don’t have to change into anything new.
What childhood picture would help you remember who you truly are?
Essence I see the inner joy and peace before things like Fat or thin fast or slow were defined. I see my arms swing with ease, my body and mind at play as my legs stride with happiness. I’m right were I belong.
Quick Reminder: We will not be meeting this Friday. We will meet back up on May 5th at 11 am (EST).
Great poem and theme today. We should all be that kid that ran for the fun of it, without carrying all the adult baggage we've accumulated over the years.
Beautiful, Julie!
Naked in the sea, aged around two, sitting in the waves and laughing my little head off. I don't remember the occasion, but oh boy that picture makes me laugh. My uncle gave us a print of it in a silver frame as a wedding present! 🤣
We never had pictures out or up at home when I was growing up, actually. My grandparents had our school photographs on display in old-fashioned frames sitting on the sideboard. Plenty more exist though, in dusty albums.