Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
Hit the road running

Hit the road running

Poem Out Loud

Hello alarm clock
I’m up. 
I’m at the edge of the bed
My eyes are still closed though...
I want to lie back down
curl up instead.  

Good morning brain
I hear you too. 
Let’s get up—  
bring a good 
And lace up my sneakers 
And get out the door 
And hit the road running 
a new day 
I get to explore

And hear the red wing blackbirds
And feel the sunshine warm my face
And pass the wild rabbit, a deer, and 
a fox along the way. 
Happy I got out of bed
to see God's creation on display. 

Write together Friday is tomorrow 7/14/23 11-11:30 am (EST). Click the button below to join us. Feel free to invite a friend.

Write Together Friday

Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
Where Movement & Writing Meet.
Listen in on Thursdays for a poem or story to energize, inspire, and get you moving.
Hi, I'm Julie B. Hughes— a mother runner, poet, writer, licensed physical therapist, and self-published author. Thank you for being here and listening in.