I ran over the top of many leaves today trying out the 10K race path for the NYS Marathon. I found them a bit slippery even though it is so dry out! But they did make for a colorful rug beneath my feet.

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Hi Tracy, I'm surprised they were slippery...it's been summer here! Are you running there this weekend?

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I am running there on 10/14 in the Great NYS Marathon series to test my 10K time for the Boston Half Marathon on 11/12. I think my running shoes need better treads but my feet feel good in them so I don't want to change them now. :O)

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oh great! Have a fun run Tracy! Cheering you on.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Love this! Seeing the leaves in their beautiful colors is overwhelming! Watching them fall is amazing!!

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You're right Faith, the colors are just breathtaking and on today's run I was loving the views that just 2 days ago were green...now red, orange golden. Amazing!

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Run as if your Jules

Wide eyed wonder for Nature

Child like curious...

As I lace up to slip outside & greet the morning Sun, I will take your child eyed wonder with me ...ever grateful for the company. Your enthusiasm fuels these 76 year old legs, lungs and heart. Thank you Julia for leading the way as I dance within a kaleidoscope of “pirouetting” leaves. Ahhh, the miracle of “being”.....

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Clark, this makes me smile. Thank you so much for the wonderful poem and message. I'm so grateful each week to read your responses. Enjoy this beautiful Autumn day.

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That’s a big leaf! Yesterday I brought home a handful of treasures from the marsh. Nature has so many interesting things to offer. 🍁

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I was so amazed and had to bring it home to show my kiddos. Oh, what treasures did you find? How fun!Nature is the best, I could stay outside all day.

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I’ve been follow a tiny house site on Instagram. My favorites are the ones with many large (some floor to ceiling!) windows. 😁

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wow! That must be amazing...windows from floor to ceiling. So cool!

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That leaf is ENORMOUS! A wonderful picture to go alongside your beautiful words. 🍁

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Right!! I was so amazed!

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Oct 6, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

This leaf is like something out of an enchanted forest! Also: nice choice of running shoe

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I love your thinking Amie. I couldn't believe how big it was and I didn't see another like it. Thank you on the sneakers...do you wear Brooks? I love the bright colors that they have come out with. One year it was yellow...I'm waiting for that color again.

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Oct 7, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

I swear by my brooks ghosts! BOO!

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HA! BOO! :) Me too.

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The sound of crunching leaves is so satisfying.

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I agree! I love that sound. :) One of the many reasons Autumn is my favorite season. Do you have a favorite?

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It’s Autumn too. The leaves, start of school and football games and when I was a kid my birthday. I don’t care about my birthday now. Lol

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HA! Oh mom, I love your Birthday is in the Fall and glad you are here to celebrate with. Love you.

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Another year of

Photosynthesis I’m tired

Now it’s time to rest

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Thank you Gary for this poem. Nature teaches us so much.

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My mother, a trained teacher, became a stay at home mom after my older brother was born. She took us to surrounding terrain where I first learned the miracle of frog eggs becoming frogs! Discovering salamanders! And so much more.

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That's amazing you had a mother who loved being outdoors. I'm so happy my children get to experience similar adventures.

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They are quite fortunate! As the population becomes more urbanized, just to see the interplay of nature’s creations becomes a scarce commodity. I was fortunate to raise my son in such fashion.

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We sure are. And thank you for this reminder.

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You’re kind in saying that.

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Oct 5, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

I just love how you embrace the morning. And inspire me to do the same!

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woohoo!! I'm so happy Claudette! Enjoy the fall colors.

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