Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
New Sneakers

New Sneakers

Poem out Loud

Happy Thursday!

person wearing blue and white running shoes
Photo by Mike Cox on Unsplash

Today’s poem is inspired by some sneaker shopping. It’s the only shopping for myself that I truly enjoy.

Right now I’m swapping each run between Brooks Glycerin and Saucony Ride.

I’m curious what sneakers are you running in?

           NEW SNEAKERS

Two blue boxes 
Just for me  
Brand new sneakers 
Shopping spree 

Unmistakable smell 
Takes me back 
Brand new sneakers
I no longer lack 

Cushion & support
Happy feet
Brand new sneakers 
Plus the colors are sweet! 

Secure, double knot     
Fit snug 
Brand new sneakers 
A giant bear hug 

Essential for the miles 
Extra pair is a must  
Brand new sneakers 
Never collect dust 

Worn with joy 
Reenergize my run 
Brand new sneakers 
Roads to outrun 

The next RWC writing group is TOMORROW from 11-11:30 am (EST) on zoom. Click the button below to join us.

RWC Writing Group

Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
Where Movement & Writing Meet.
Listen in on Thursdays for a poem or story to energize, inspire, and get you moving.
Hi, I'm Julie B. Hughes— a mother runner, poet, writer, licensed physical therapist, and self-published author. Thank you for being here and listening in.