Detach and soar like the blue heron Her long legs trail behind with ease and grace Confident in her direction No crazymaker will ruffle her feathers I stand in awe Soar over the drama— Soar over the trap— Her wisdom essential Detach and soar for your dreams
As I prepare to release A REAL BALLBUSTER: Untangling Testicular Cancer Together, I'm reminding myself to rise above any drama that may arise - whether from my inner doubts and fears or external sources around me.
I’ve been given the power to choose, what thoughts and influences I allow into my mind and heart during this time. By grounding myself in hope, I can soar over any negativity that tries to cloud this journey.
What do you want to soar over today? Come join the conversation on Run to Write.
You’re invited to The Run to Write Club—Friday write together. We meet tomorrow at 11 am (EST). Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
Thankful Thursday!
Thank you
for restacking my post yesterday. Wondering how to restack, click the circle-arrow icon wherever you see a post, note, or comment worth sharing. It allows readers and writers to find each other’s work…the best compliment.Thank you
Claudette, Faith, , Clark, Mom, Olga, , Michael, Renate, for the great conversation, poems, and wisdom. I’m so grateful you are here with me.Thank you, Felicia, for running 12 frosty miles with me. I’m so lucky to have a run buddy who runs in all weather. :)
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