Walking in Nature

Is being at one with All...

Our family Tree...

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Thank you Clark for your generous contributions. "Our family tree" so powerful to think about.

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The juxtaposition between the hard edges and softness. Listening as your words float softly past...

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Thank you Amie. Life is hard and life is beautiful. Thank you for being here and hope you can join us again soon to write. :)

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So soothing listening to your voice and picturing the walk through woods.❤️

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Thank you so much for listening Mom. I love you.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Yabba-Dabba-Doo! (I think Fred Flintstone often voiced that on the eponymous TV series, The Flintstones. For today that’s my reaction to your post. Powerful, evocative words and phrases. I realized how you cleverly answered Thoreau’s question, “Why I went to the woods.” My mind’s eye revels in the notion of having a date - with pine needles and all the rest. “Green moss” evoked memories of Green Falls in Baxter State Park. (It’s water suggested a near freezing temperature, but a rinse in same on a late August afternoon surely affirmed I was alive!)

Boot on root - of a mountainous hardwood tree - was perfectly captured in your image! If you haven’t already been on this date, I hope it awaits you today.

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Good morning Gary! And so grateful for the hearty... Yabba-Dabba-Doo! The Flintstone's...meet the Flintstone's. :)

Yes I had my date with Nature and it was glorious and inspired the poem for today. :) I'm so happy to hear it brought some great memories for you. I will be back to the woods tomorrow. Thank you Gary for being here and your generous conversation.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Awesome! I have always loved being outdoors. It makes me feel complete! Love you!!!

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Good morning Faith! "makes me feel complete" what a beautiful way to think about it. Thank you so much for sharing and being here. Love you.

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Meditation nourishes my soul. Connecting to community, writing, reading, laughing. Doing something physical -- running, yoga, walking, stretching. Getting outside to breathe the air, to see the sky, feel the wind and earth beneath me. All these things nourish my soul and cost me only time, my most precious commodity.

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Thank you Linda. I can resonate with many of these myself and your right...cost only time. Thank you for this reminder.

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Beautiful -- all the more so hearing your voice.

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Thank you so much for the compliment Linda. It's getting easier.

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes


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Good morning Claudette. Thank you for reading and I hope all is well on the farm...did you get the combine going?

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Nov 9, 2023Liked by Julie B. Hughes

Dan is back In the fields again!

Thanks to everyone's prayers!

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Oh wonderful! YAY!

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A doe and her fawn are outside my kitchen window. 🦌

Thank you Julie -- for my daily fix of Ralph Waldo!

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Oh how magical! You're welcome Gail and thank you for being here.

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