That life is messy, which is the title of the book. The tittle alone is a powerful statement because it teaches us to lower our expectations of the perfect versions of what we think our life should be like. I think Facebook and all the other social platforms have caused us to do the compare game and put way unrealistic expectations on ourselves. But guess what? Life is messy! We may not post about our mess but we all have it in one area or another. When we exclusively only put on our social media just our touched up, airbrushed selves and homes we are turning our Facebook into Fakebook. Let’s be moré transparent and real because Life is messy.
Great inspiration thanks. Reminds me of several other works of Children’s literature.
“The Little Engine That Could”, “Where The Wild Things Are”, and “The Runaway Bunny”. It’s been awhile since we read these to our kids - but there are powerful themes for all of us.
Thank you KW. I love all those books you listed and have read them to my children many times...still open up and read The Little Engine That Could. Sometimes I think it's more for me. I agree—powerful themes I don't want to forget.
Powerful themes for powerful parents. powerful kids and powerful people. In a time when our entire society - often our kids too - seems to be rocketing off the rails - these are powerful and worthwhile reminders.
Thanks. Writing on is going to be more difficult than I intended in light of the essay I am writing for today. But then we have these stories we have told our kids. Who can give up?
That life is messy, which is the title of the book. The tittle alone is a powerful statement because it teaches us to lower our expectations of the perfect versions of what we think our life should be like. I think Facebook and all the other social platforms have caused us to do the compare game and put way unrealistic expectations on ourselves. But guess what? Life is messy! We may not post about our mess but we all have it in one area or another. When we exclusively only put on our social media just our touched up, airbrushed selves and homes we are turning our Facebook into Fakebook. Let’s be moré transparent and real because Life is messy.
Thank you Mirtha, So much truth to what you wrote. I found myself caught in the compare game too many times. Yes Life is messy, humans are messy.
I appreciate you sharing the book title as well and I'm adding to my list. Thank you again.
I am no longer on FB so I am glad I get your messages in my email. I love what you write every day!! Love you!!!
Love you Faith! I don't blame you. I'm trying to pull my friends from FB to here. LOL! Have a great day and thank you for reading.
Great inspiration thanks. Reminds me of several other works of Children’s literature.
“The Little Engine That Could”, “Where The Wild Things Are”, and “The Runaway Bunny”. It’s been awhile since we read these to our kids - but there are powerful themes for all of us.
Thank you KW. I love all those books you listed and have read them to my children many times...still open up and read The Little Engine That Could. Sometimes I think it's more for me. I agree—powerful themes I don't want to forget.
Powerful themes for powerful parents. powerful kids and powerful people. In a time when our entire society - often our kids too - seems to be rocketing off the rails - these are powerful and worthwhile reminders.
Indeed! Thank you so much. Write on!
Thanks. Writing on is going to be more difficult than I intended in light of the essay I am writing for today. But then we have these stories we have told our kids. Who can give up?
KW, thank you for sharing and you're right— we can't give up. I pray for courage everyday.
Currently reading Between Two Kingdoms and it is heartbreakingly honest. Enjoying it so far.
That book is on my list too! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it. Thank you for sharing Sarah.