Run to Write
Run to Write
Crazy Courage

Crazy Courage

Poem out loud
A community of Courage

On Monday I asked if you could describe a time when you stepped outside your comfort zone.

I used this as our prompt for Monday’s write together. I remember a public speaking event that I said “yes” to. For me, speaking in front of a large crowd is a big step toward discomfort.

I don’t like everyone looking at me. I don’t like standing up in front of people and I don’t like when I pronounce a word incorrectly. It’s why I enjoy hiding behind a screen or a notebook most of the time.

Yet I’m noticing when I don’t hide and choose courage over discomfort, my world is better. I get to meet fabulous people. I get to learn and grow from our conversations. I also recognize I’m not the only one who is nervous to speak in public.

Today’s poem is inspired by this reflection.

                  CRAZY COURAGE 
I was crazy to say yes 
heart races
palms sweat 
I step up to the podium
not to claim a medal 
nor for a standing ovation 
to simply 
break out 
of my routine 

fingers fumble to the page
all eyes on me 
legs like jello 
“I feel like I just ran a marathon” 
the crowd laughs
my shoulders drop
a slow smile of
fills the room
then I pass the mic.  

You’re invited to write with us. Click the button below each Monday at 11 am (EST) to join our Zoom room.

Monday we write

Thank you Sharon and Rebecca for joining me on Monday to write. Thank you for the accountability!

Thank you, Tracy, Ramona, Loni, Jeanne, Diane, and Ame for an awesome move and write session! You made my morning. I’m grateful to know each of you. I also appreciate you spreading the word with your community.

Thank you Jeanne C. for the text last week. I’m grateful for our friendship.

Thank you Stacy S for being you!

Thank you Mary B. for the amazing Moose drawing! My kids were roaring with excitement. We all LOVE yellow (sneakers) and blue shorts with orange T-shirts. (Go SU!)

Who would you like to thank today? I hope you get a moment to call, text, email, or write a handwritten letter.

Discussion about this podcast

Run to Write
Run to Write
Welcome to The Run to Write Podcast: Where Movement & Writing Meet.
Listen on Thursdays for a poem or story to energize, inspire, and get you moving & writing.
Thank you for being here.
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Appears in episode
Julie B. Hughes