Thank you
for your amazing ideas and tips to add rest to my day. Thank you to my friend Carrie-Anne for the pep talk this week. Thank you new subscribers, uriahellsworth, , Andrea V, , Blue23231, and Mike.Ordinary Run I am a mother runner An ordinary runner I get to choose Each day Where my Sneakers will land How many miles Or minutes will I go? What time? In the dark, In the light— Alone or with friends No matter I have an advantage Some women Don’t have these Choices They aren’t allowed to run and if they do it's in secret Could you imagine? I'm in disbelief… yet it's true. I lace up my sneakers I step outdoors into freedom I pay attention to nature I won’t take it for granted I get to move my body And no one can tell me I can’t.
You’re invited:
We meet tomorrow to write together at 11 am (EST). If you would like a quiet space to sit down and do your work without the drama come. Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
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