The audio is a recording of the poem of the day- Glowing. Feel free to read or listen.
Hi RWC! This poem I wrote a few days after I ran the 125th Boston Marathon in October 2021. I thought it would be cool to share this poem today to celebrate The Boston Marathon coming up this Monday, April 18!
I’m also running a free promotion on Amazon for my Run to Boston poetry book on kindle. Check it out here and share it with a friend. It’s free until Saturday, April 16.
Good luck Marathoners! You will glow!
Poem of the Day:
GLOWING Finishing the Boston Marathon You will glow Light will shine from your head And the tips of your toes Your smile is contagious and passersby want to know How did the race go? How did you do? It’s a great day to celebrate and everyone Congratulates you! Is it the unicorn? The medal around your neck? Could be Or is it more the tradition, the history, Boston Strong and the comeback That connects us The passion over fear That brings us together The light is spreading through the city Connections being made And sparks flying all around We are glowing Glowing
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