Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
Magical Pavement

Magical Pavement

Poem out loud

Poem of the Day:

                 Magical Pavement

Outdoor runs refresh her soul  
Connected to nature makes her whole  

Wonder and miracles all around
Her feet barely touching the ground 

Magical pavement 
A carpet ride   
Her senses come alive

Trees draped with snow  
Branches outstretched wide
Welcome enchanted runner we are your guide 

Chimney smoke clings the air 
Pine needles 
peek out of the snow, stare 
Winter birds singing above
Her heart permeates with love

Appreciation for her body and mind  
God’s wonderful design 

Thank you for listening and take good care. 
Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
Where Movement & Writing Meet.
Listen in on Thursdays for a poem or story to energize, inspire, and get you moving.
Hi, I'm Julie B. Hughes— a mother runner, poet, writer, licensed physical therapist, and self-published author. Thank you for being here and listening in.