Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
You and the Road

You and the Road

Poem Out Loud

Good morning RWC!

Join us tomorrow 10/14/22 for our writing group from 11-11:30 am (EST). All are welcome. We meet on zoom for 30 minutes to write together. The link is below.

Friday Writing Group

     You and the Road

Lace-up your sneakers
No responsibility
You and the road, free


      Runner Writer 

There once was a runner writer
Who thought her poems made running brighter
To rhyme was such fun
Silly laughs each run
Her pen, sneakers made life lighter

Have an amazing Thursday! Thank you for reading or listening in.

Run to Write
Run to Write Poetry
Where Movement & Writing Meet.
Listen in on Thursdays for a poem or story to energize, inspire, and get you moving.
Hi, I'm Julie B. Hughes— a mother runner, poet, writer, licensed physical therapist, and self-published author. Thank you for being here and listening in.