Run to Write
Run to Write
Marathon Mom
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -3:52

Marathon Mom

and purple toenails.

Good morning,

I’m so glad to have you listening in. Today I will share a piece from chapter four of my upcoming book Staring Down a Dream: A Mom, a Marathoner, a Mission.

I’m thrilled to let you know the release date for the paperback book is March 1st! If you prefer the kindle version you can pre-order that now on Amazon if you would like.

Now to the poem out loud which will lead us into Chapter Four: Marathon Mom.

Final cover design

           Purple Toenails

Toenails purple—
And no it’s not nail polish.
or a side effect 
of the miles. 

hideous feet—
my inner judge 
hijacks my peace.  

My daughter sees—    
“Mama, you are unique.” 
I nod and smile.
A beautiful word. 

Unique—I repeat, 
then hug my daughter. 
I won’t let the judge win 
I lift my chin
I am a mother runner
purple toenails and all.

A piece from Chapter Four: Marathon Mom—

One morning after a run, I stood in the bathroom with my kids as we all got ready for the day. They were washing their faces and I seemed to think I needed to micromanage what was going on. Don’t forget your nose, make sure you floss and brush your teeth. I looked down at my bare feet. I crinkled my nose. My toenails were pretty beaten up from running.

I laughed in disgust, “My toenails are still purple.” I didn’t mean to say it out loud.

Delaney looked over at me and smiled, “Mom, you are unique.”

I nodded my head and grinned, “What a beautiful thing to say, Delaney. Yes, I think you are right, I am unique. Thank you.”

My inner judge, Aunt Phoebe, was ready to launch in. Your toenails are disgusting. You better get some socks on. Yet Delaney’s comment shut her down. My thoughts were full of gratitude towards my daughter and my running feet.

Thank you feet for the miles we continue to run.

Let’s give ourselves permission to celebrate our uniqueness... purple toenails and all!

Tell me what uniqueness are you celebrating today?

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