Run to Write
Run to Write
Pain is weird
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -4:37

Pain is weird

Poem out loud

Listen above or you can also find Thursday’s poem out loud on the Run to Write Poetry Podcast.

Thank you so much for being here.

 Pain is Weird

Pain can come 
Out of nowhere
No fall
No injury 
I’m not even sick 
Yet my left ankle is throbbing
And the output is a limp 

What was the input
What turned up the alarm 
I didn’t turn funny  
I didn’t trip 
My nutrition is great 
Is it my mind playing tricks? 

get me an ice pack 
And some wine (not really 
I don’t drink wine) 
I’ll lie down 
Retrace my day 
Why does my ankle 
have so much to say? 

Is it really about this afternoon?
What the doctor said…
"This is concerning, a biopsy will be sent"   
My entire body felt cold
I froze—could cancer be taking hold? 
I grabbed my husband's hand
As he sat in the bed, 
pale and weak
I kissed his cheek  

My mind raced with all
sorts of terrible thoughts
Could that be the reason
my left ankle feels like
it’s in knots?
I’ll take some deep breaths
This doesn’t mean death 
My brain has it wrong
My ankle is fine and strong 

I will not freak out
I know what this pain is about  
I will move my ankle as 
I read to my son 
I will get a good night’s sleep 
An optimistic attitude I will keep 

Though my nerves are on high alert
I have some ways to turn it down
What I say and believe about my 
ankle is more important now—
This discomfort is temporary 
I’m physically fine
My nervous system is 
looking out for me 
during this time. 
Pain is so weird 
So strange at times 
I woke up the next day
Sore but fine—a run will
do me some good to 
clear my mind. 
Movement I love to
decrease the protection  
and give my body evidence 
that we are moving in the right direction.

—Thank you brain but I got this

We will meet tomorrow at 11 am (EST) on Zoom to write together. Click the button below to join us. I hope to see you.

Write Together Friday

If you are local please feel free to write with me in person! Send me a message if interested.

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