I would like to thank and welcome, dsooryakumar,
, gpalmer888, , for joining The Run to Write community. We love that you are here.Each Thursday is a poem out loud and each Friday we meet to write/create together. Please reply to this email with any questions on the Friday write togethers.
We continue to celebrate this week with a poem from Staring Down a Dream: A Mom, a Marathoner, a Mission.
Thank you for celebrating this week with me and for being here.
Wind Whispers My mind is on the run. I feel tense— swallowed up by my sentences. I turn the corner, and the wind whispers in my ear— Listen. The stream roars drowns out my commotion. My arms glide and float with each stride. The wind whispers in my ear— Look. A hawk soars, an effortless flight high above the tree line. My body softens I lean in drift among the trail My mind is like a pond with no ripples Strength from the wind, calm from the water. Peace returns.
I can’t wait to see you tomorrow to write together. We start at 11 am (EST). Click the button below to join our Zoom room.
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