Sitemap - 2023 - Run to Write

If you didn't have to do it perfectly...

What's the best thing that happened to you in 2023?

Glow on!

Expectations of a caregiver

Comfort & Joy

Why write a book?

Where do you find solitude?

In the woods

Jeff's Personal Marathon

Dance party to shake things up

Do you want to give it a go?

What action do you take when you’re feeling blah?

This day...


Frame it!

What will you try while you can still try?

Do you want a pen pal?

You're cruising along...

Thank you was enough

Realities we all share...

What would you try?

You're invited

Wednesday wins

Looking out the window...

Grab your raft, let's float

Questions to ponder...

On the horizon...

You are a gift

What are you willing to learn?

Which book or movie impacted you most growing up?

What does create mean to you?

What habits nourish your soul?

Could a banana be any match for these chemo drugs?

Who is it?

Which way shall you go?

Let's build our writing muscles

What “brain triumph” might you celebrate today?

Embracing Change...

Do you have a guess?

Dendrites do dance

Superheros write

Runner or not...a way to inspire

Shame and anger seeped into my heart

Race day

Keep bouncing back

Fab Five—come join us.

Could you imagine?

Working introduction

And what else?

In your head too much?

Sunrise Run

Do change and growth hurt?

February 14, 2022 and the big Lebowski

Seeking Hope

What new direction will you explore?

Who are you becoming?

Kick up the leaves

Sidestep the "C" word

May the stars hang bright

A new trail to explore with a friend

You are awesome!

Where would you like to escape to?

Snowstorm brings silence

Run at dawn

What are the small things to anchor you?

Writing prompt

Roars of Hurry

Story continued...

Good morning...

Run with Jesus

Write together is today

Dear Runner,

Poetry break for a story

What do you have to teach me?

Who did you look up to?

Lesson from a caterpillar...

All I know is...

Come on, let's go for a drive

Morning run with the moon

Run with it...

Join the magic

What would you choose?

I was slow and

Down by the Riverside

Who you're next to...

Birthday poem

Keep writing, keep going

Imagination runs...

Where do you find laughs?

I want to tell you something

A photo from 1921— a blessing

What a 5K race is all about

Another peek inside

A to Z poem


I appreciate you—

Courage over comfort

The Playlist


Miles march on

You matter

Caught in a moment

Across the table

Sing. Share. Laugh.

In the garden...

My Heart Says...

Run for Resilience

Finding joy...

Carbs are king

Lacing up

Let's Write

Manufacture Sunshine™

Under the maple tree

As I sit outside, my brain starts in

Wrestle with hurt...

When I was beat down...

Hit the road running

Thinking on the road

Strawberry joy

Goodbye is hard


The Goodness

I forgot this truth

I feel off...

Short but sweet...

Late morning run

Don't give up enthusiasm

By the way...

Change doesn't need a speed limit

Counting blessings not calories

What matters more?

One Way

Inner conflict

How are we going to be of service?

How is the state of your heart,

Yesterday's Run

Pain is weird

Tune of hope

There is no finish line

Skip this one

Witness a wonder

Make a Run for it!

Morning walk

A birthday poem

Day to Honor

Tell me something amazing...

When on the country roads...

Brief advice...

Morning on the road


A Mother's Prayer

Come with me

Rich Runner

Three simple words

We share because...

For Mother's Day

Play in the morning...


State of Mind

Mountain Goat gets my vote

A place to show up

Mama, you made it!

Lightning and Thunder

Gettysburg Marathon (part two)

Gettysburg Marathon

What's not wrong?

Mama Runs

Waves of Life

Your Essence

Art of Running

Run to Write Collaboration

Count Down to 26.2

We run because...

Ease and Flow

Marathon Monday!

Wild Rabbit Run

You can run

Peace on the road

20 miles of Spring

You got what it takes

We Listen Because

Spring is Here!

Everything Flows

Running Into Poetry

What will you write today?

Miles Her Jam

Fear Gave Up

Have you noticed this too?


We write because...

Welcome Surprise

Curious Power

Keep showing up

Run—to keep my mouth shut

Lost in Motion

Let's Go Play...

Nothing to Prove

Precious Gem

On the move...

What books are you reading for delight?

Tell me something great

What's the Finest View?

Find the Others...

"Mama this is the worst"

How much further?

Thank You...

Book Birthday Celebration!

There you are...

Rewrite & Rethink

Winter Magic


Take a Chance

Shine Bright

You are extraordinary

Need a pick-me-up?

What do you see out of your kitchen window?

Marathon Mom

So you missed some days of running or writing...

I LOVE that you're here

Looking Back...

Tell me your favorite place to run?

Default Stories—What are yours?

Break Free

Did they tell you to stop running?

Take the Leap

You're invited...

Thinner does not mean faster

Haiku Run


Silence Fear

A Mom's Great Plan

Ode to Fartlek


Inner Coach

A Note

Write Together Friday!

Scream Tunnel

Back on Track

Mountains of life...

Yes, please...

You ready?

Mile 20



Warning on the Trail

What books are you reading?

Thank you, Sun

Move Past Permanence

Seven days, seven lines...

Even Though